OHS Course Development
Great training starts with an excellent curriculum.
Both are critical in developing and maintaining a skilled workforce.
Equally important to developing effective training programs is the ability to modify and update your training materials when and where you need to. TWS specializes in developing customized training courses. We work closely with you and Authorities Having Jurisdiction to ensure your company’s training objectives are achieved. Once complete, you own the materials, giving you full control to modify the curriculum internally. We can also assist in managing and updating your current materials as required.
When the project is completed, we’re just a ‘click’ or ‘call’ away to assist in keeping you on top of regulatory issues and provide coaching tips to keep you and your trainers performing at your best.
First and foremost, we’ll work directly with you to identify your organization’s needs.
You can be confident that all courses meet Provincial and Federal Regulations, Guidelines & Policies, Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and industry best practices.
Ranges from a small-scale single course to large-scale program development uniquely fitted to suit your business.
Includes: Instructor’s guide, participant’s study guides, PowerPoint, applicable media, sign-in and summary forms, Record of Training (ROT) certificates, exams and practical skill evaluations. Course materials will come in hard copy and digital working copies for you to continue to develop, amend, update and review.
We also offer in-house Train the Trainer Programs- Levels 1, 2, and 3 (click here for more details) to help you develop your trainer’s skills better.
Here are just a few examples of Customized Course Curriculum we have built for our long-standing customers:
CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY – Switch Heaters Installation and Maintenance
BC LPG INDUSTRY – Highway Fleet Conversion Course
CANADIAN RENTAL INDUSTRY Portable Heater Requalification & Certification
AIR CANADA - YVR – Ground Support Operations - Vehicle Fleet Maintenance
SUPERIOR PROPANE – Auto fleet & Back to Base Refueling Operations
ABC METAL RECYCLE – Destruction of Pressure Vessels
IATSE 891 MOVIE INDUSTRY - SPFX Technician Gas Fired Special Effects
TECK RESOURCES - Loader Operator for Mining Operations
DOUGLAS COLLAGE - Compressed Gas Storage
INLAND KENWORTH - Entry Procedures Service Policies