Propane Facility Operations Manual
Does Technical Safety BC require you to obtain a Propane Dispensing Operations Manual? We can help you with that.
Technical Safety BC is now implementing mandatory requirements for the operations and maintenance of propane bulk facilities and dispensing equipment as required by CSA B149.2-15 Clause 7.22 Propane Storage and Handling Code. Owners/permit holders of propane facilities must develop and document operating procedures for day-to-day operation, emergency procedures and maintenance procedures, including testing, inspection, monitoring and repair of facility propane equipment.
This Directive was issued by a provincial safety manager pursuant to Section 30 of the Safety Standards Act. Date of Issue: October 20, 2017- Directive NO: D-GA-2017-04. If you need assistance developing your customized operations manual, click “Order Your Operations Manual” below. We will create a customized manual that will meet Technical Safety BC’s Propane Facility Operations and Maintenance Procedures requirements.
Your facility manual will come complete with the following:
Copy of Operating Permit
Contact Information
Program Operations Manual
Record of Training Certificate
Audits – Forms & Instructions
SDS Documentation
Applicable TSBC Directives
Repair & Maintenance Records
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