Date of Issue: October 20, 2017 Directive NO: D-GA-2017-04

General Details: This directive sets out the policies for the development and documentation of operating procedures for day to day operation, emergency procedures and maintenance procedures of propane facilities in accordance with CSA B149.2 Propane Storage and Handling Code.

Specific Details: As set out in Appendix 2 of Ministerial Order M297 deposited as B.C. Reg. 209/2016 (attached to this directive), CSA B149.2-15 will come into effect as of November 1, 2017. CSA B149.2 Clause 7.22 requires the establishment of operation and maintenance procedures for propane facilities:

7.22.1 General: Procedures shall be established appropriate to tank systems, filling plants, container refill centres, and other facilities where liquid propane is piped to a vaporizer or process, as follows:

(a) operating procedures sufficient to ensure safety and reliability in the day-to-day operation of the facility; and

(b) maintenance procedures, covering testing, inspection, monitoring, and documenting the equipment, its repair and general up keep.

The requirements for operations and maintenance procedures apply to facilities required to hold an operating permit in accordance with section 28(1)(a)(b)(c) or (h) of the Gas Safety Regulation (GSR):

Container refill centers – facilities, including buildings, consisting of propane storage containers, piping and dispensing systems where liquid propane is transferred to containers.

For more information on Technical Safety BC Directive No: D-GA-2017-04

For information on Maintenance Procedures: Propane Facility System Guidelines

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