Behind every successful training session is a lot of preparation and attention to detail. A truly skilled trainer can make learning interesting and worthwhile. The students will enjoy learning if the instructor is able to involve their emotions as well as their minds. Reaching this stage as a trainer isn’t easy, but success isn’t just for the naturally gifted and is possible for those who put effort into developing their skills.

The reward is the satisfaction of helping others reach their potential.

Those who want to advance their instructional skills in the classroom, the negotiating table or public speaking. Attendees should be experienced instructors or facilitators who have  successfully completed TWS Level 1 – The Practical Instructor course or equivalent.

CLASS SIZE: Maximum 8 students per class

COURSE LENGTH: Two Days (16 hours)


  • The various learning styles of an adult audience

  • To apply key principles of effective communication in a workshop or classroom

  • How to use a variety of training techniques to stimulate participation

  • Development and preparation for effective learning

  • Different levels of evaluation and when to use them

  • Advanced interventions for difficult situations

  • Put your skills to work – creating and delivering an effective presentation